Monday, 22 June 2015


Hello everybody,
I hope you're having a great day! Yesterday I picked out some of my clothes that I'd be taking with me to college and that put me in a really bad mood! I never thought clothes could upset my mood! I have quite a conservative dress sense; I usually wear kurtas (a knee length top) over leggings or jeans and I feel very comfortable in them. I feel a little awkward wearing jeans with T-shirts (I don't like the way I look in them). I feel I would look out of place wearing kurtas in USA. So, I've decided to carry mainly T-shirts and a few kurtas. I feel more confident when I'm comfortable with my clothes. Even if it looks old-fashioned or weird, if I like it, I don't mind wearing it and feel confident in it. If I feel uncomfortable wearing something, even if it looks good on me, my whole body language would make it look awkward on me.
I never thought earlier how important it was to like one's clothes! The thought of wearing something you think would make you look nice makes you happy! Right now, I'm in the opposite situation. I can only imagine myself looking awkward and avoiding situations that would put me in the spotlight. Hopefully I'll find some other kinds of clothing that is worn there that I'll like! I love wearing skirts (calf-length and flowy though; I don't think adults wear that any longer :( ); I guess I'll figure it out in sometime after I get there.
What are your thoughts on clothes? Do you think they are important? What are your favorite kinds of clothes? Do let me know in the comments! 
Until next time!
Bye! :D

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Up, Up and away: 50 days to go

Hello everybody,
As  I have mentioned before, I will be pursuing my Master's degree in a foreign university. Leaving the country I was born in and going to a new country and exploring things by myself is going to be an enormous change. I thought I'd do a post on how I've prepared myself for this change, how I feel etc. I'll keep posting under this topic at regular intervals.
Now I have about 50days before I fly. I've booked my ticket but my visa is yet to be done! I need some documents for the visa and I'm waiting for them. I met a bunch of people from my city, who are going to join the same university, yesterday. Social media is SUCH a boon. I was quite unsure about meeting a whole bunch of people whom I had never met before. Most people have at least a year's work experience. (I just finished my Bachelor's this year)  I was a little intimidated by them initially but as I got to know them a little I became a little more comfortable. (Even then I was one of the quiet few in the group). I met 2 girls (one from the same branch that I've chosen) whom I found to be quite friendly. Meeting them helped me get a better picture of the kind of people I'd be dealing with. I'm also glad that I'll have their company to attend college for the first time! I plan to live with a close relative who lives in the same city as the University I'm planning to attend. So, I did not have to get an apartment or find roommates. Almost everyone else has already booked an apartment and know their roommates. They have at least the company of their roommates to attend orientations/ pick classes etc.
I've had mixed feelings about the whole thing. Sometimes I feel excited and happy that I've got this wonderful opportunity to explore the world and myself. Other times I feel extremely gloomy and depressed thinking about all that I'll leave behind. The thought of having no form of income for the next two years (especially after starting to earn a little) and having to burden my parents is scary. By the time I finish my course and start earning again, my parents will be older and I feel guilty that I'm depriving them the opportunity to enjoy their lives when they're fit. I'll have to leave behind Tee (my pet cocker) under my parents' care. I wish transporting pets abroad was easier!
On the brighter side, I may be able to get a better job than what I would get now. I hopefully will become more independent and mature. Emotionally, I'm quite mixed up right now.
As far as preparations go, I've not even bought my suitcases. Since I haven't got my visa yet I'm kind of stalling the travel preparation. I haven't decided on what clothes I'll need, what I have, what I need to buy etc. This weekend I plan to organize my clothes a little and decide on what I'll take and what I wont. Atleast then I'll get a vague idea about how much stuff I have. The airline that I've booked my ticket in  allows only 2 pieces of checked in luggage. Some airlines have a special student offer allowing them to carry 3 pieces of checked in luggage. So, I need to plan well and organize my stuff to fall within the weight and space restrictions.
I think that's it for now. I'll keep posting under this topic more often as the day gets closer. Have you moved away from your hometown ever? How was you experience? Do let me know in the comments!
Until next time!
Bye! :D

Friday, 5 June 2015

Voldemort key-value store

Hello everybody,
I just finished my last engineering exam yesterday! Woohoo! The last thing I would expect to read in a computer science text book was a heading that read 'Voldemort'. Apparently there is a database system called Voldemort that is used in LinkedIn. How cool is that? I love the series and thought I had to post it here.
People working on it would be saying things like "Voldemort is down for 10s", "My Voldemort just crashed", "Inserted 10 rows into Voldemort", "Updating Voldemort...", "New version of Voldemort available". I'm sure they wouldn't be saying such stuff. But I'm sure whatever they do, would be really cool!

Until next time,
Bye! :)