Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Happy new year!!

Hello Everyone!
Wish you a very Happy New Year 2015! Hope all your dreams and wishes come true this year! This year is going to be a year of change for me and I hope to record my journey in this blog! Wishing the best for everyone! Enjoy! :D

New Year gif Images tmblr

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

My Resolutions for 2015

2015 is going to be a year of change for me since I will be graduating from college this year. I'm unsure about what I will be doing this year (studying/ working etc. ). I may continue living where I currently am; or may move away to a new city. I'm not sure right now, so coming up with my new year's resolutions was a little difficult. But nevertheless I've come up with a few. Here they are:
1) Socialize more... talk to more people.
2) Plan my work and start off on assignments/ projects well in time. 
3) Update my blog regularly. (I will take a break when I have a lot of submissions etc. but will definitely get back once I'm done with them)
3) Eat healthy
4) Educate myself about the world of finance (I'm clueless right now :( )
5) Watch the news more often.
6) Do more social work. (I recently got to know about a voluntary organization that helps orphaned children. Hope to get associated with it and become an active volunteer)
7) Reduce the time I spend watching TV

These are all the resolutions I have for now. I hope to stick to them and I will make a conscious effort to monitor my progress. Wish me luck! :)

New year resolutions

I don't know what it is about new year. I feel like there is a general positivity in the atmosphere.  Maybe it is the thought of starting things afresh. New year gives you a chance to pause and review the past year. See how much you've progressed think about what you could have done better and decide what you would like to do the next year. Having a resolution is like setting goals and a year is a substantial period to set for achieving those goals. Goals adds purpose to life... they act as a driving force. I think the general desire for humans to improve and better themselves is what makes us want to make new year resolutions.
I have never really tried to keep up my resolutions until this year. This year I'm going to put in my best efforts to stick to them. I'm still working on my resolutions for 2015. Will post them here once I'm done.
Go on make up your resolutions. Let's try and become better humans this year! :D

Monday, 29 December 2014

The start of life as an adult

Turning 21 can be both exciting and scary at the same time. Adulthood brings with it both freedom and responsibility. As a kid, I used to think that becoming an adult was the best thing that could happen to anyone. Adults could do whatever they wanted, no one would scold them, they didn't have to go to school, do homework, write exams... how much cooler can life be?
 But now that I am an adult, I am starting to see the darker side of being grown up. I'm not saying that I don't want to be an adult... just that its not all that I had expected it to be. As kids, we don't have to think much about how any of our actions would effect our future (unless you get into jail of course!). We just have to follow our parents, teachers, study hard and have fun. But as we grow up, we need to start taking a lot of decisions each of which could be life changing. Deciding where to live, choosing a career, finding ways to grow in the chosen career path, picking a particular job over another etc are all huge decisions and could potentially determine how you live for the rest of your life.  It is possible to make changes later but it will result in you wasting valuable years of your life. As a teenager, people are more forgiving and mistakes are acceptable. But, when you become an adult, people start expecting more from you and hold you responsible for mistakes. So, it is important to think clearly, weigh all the alternatives before taking a decision. 
Negatives aside, I am enjoying the way people treat me now as an adult. When I walk into an expensive shop, the salespeople actually see me as a customer and attend to me unlike before when they treated me like some kid who they knew wouldn't buy anything. I also like the way my parents/ relatives take my opinion on issues seriously. 
I still haven't figured out much about being an adult, so I will keep writing about this topic as and when my view changes. 

Sunday, 28 December 2014

10 tips to make the best use of college life

Now that I am in my final year of college, I have a few tips to share that could help you avoid the mistakes I or some of my friends made. Hope this helps!
1. Talk to people
 On my first day in college, I introduced myself to a complete stranger who sat next to me during orientation. It turned out, we had a lot of common interests. Till date she has remained my best friend! But, you probably will take a few weeks to find friends. So, don't take too long to say hi to someone. Talk to people. Only then will you be able to see if someone could be your friend. College is no fun without friends.

2. Have more than one set of friends.
It is nice to hang around with a friend(s) you are comfortable with. But don't limit yourself to just your circle of friends. It can get very boring. Also, it is nice to spend time with different kinds of people. College is the best time to discover yourself. You can understand what you like and don't if you spend time with different kinds of people. It is always helpful to be comfortable with a large set of people. You never know when you'll be forced to do a project with someone from outside your group.

3. Do your own projects!
Through college, you will have to do multiple projects each semester. Borrowing or buying a project could seem like an easy alternative especially when you have a ton of submissions with very little time. DO NOT do it. The amount of joy you get when you get something to work is immeasurable. You will struggle and curse when your code is not working (which is at least 70% of the time) but the 30% when it works, more than makes up for all the effort. Also, since most projects are team projects, it is a great way to bond with friends and learn to co-operate. These skills are essential when you start working. So, why not build on them when you can. Moreover, the amount you learn when you do a project, is no where close to what you do by reading a text book.

4. Travel.
If you are anything like me and enjoy sitting in front of the TV on a holiday rather than getting out and doing stuff, please take note of this point. This is a piece of advice, I hope someone had given me earlier. Traveling with friends is a completely different experience than traveling with parents. When you are with your friends, you learn to be responsible, take care of your things, manage your money, take decisions, etc. But at the same time, you have your friends who will help you if you need them to. It will help you gain confidence. Also, you gain experience by seeing how your friends react in different situations.

5. Set your rules and stick to them.
In continuation with the previous point, it is essential to identify your boundaries and stick to them irrespective of whether your friends approve of it or not. College is the ideal stage to find out what you think is right and what is wrong. You must learn to set your rules and stick to them. It could be simple things like not making fun of others behind their back, not smoking etc. Stick to your rules and beliefs and others will eventually respect you. You can always change your rules; but think before you do.

6. Talk to your teachers
Teachers can be helpful for a lot of reasons. Building a good rapport with teachers can help you identify which teacher you are comfortable with. You will need to select teachers as project guides, ask them to provide references when you apply for internships, higher studies etc. So knowing them (and letting them know you) can be very helpful.

7. Confide in an older person
Sometimes, you may be faced with situations where you don't know how to react. This applies especially if you live in a hostel. Being surrounded by the same set of people can get overwhelming sometimes. Keep in touch with an older person. It could be a friend, sibling or your parent. Sometimes, a new perspective is all it takes to get you out of a foul mood.

8. Don't over stress about exams
I don't think I need to mention this point as a tip. Doing badly in exams are such a recurring feature in college, that you automatically learn to take it in your stride. Try to keep up with the class average, maintain a decent GPA, but don't over stress about being the topper in every subject. I may be wrong about this, but from my experience, at the end of the course, people with exceptional GPAs didn't have much of an edge over people with above average GPAs.

9. Volunteer, participate
This should probably have been the first point. There are plenty of festivals, events that keep happening in colleges. Participate! Chances of winning are very few unless you are really good at something but don't let that stop you from participating. Also, become a volunteer in such events. It is a great way to make friends. Also, you learn a lot of stuff while doing so. A lot of people tend to stay at home or "chill out" with friends somewhere else. Don't do that! Be where all the action is happening. If nothing you'll have a bunch of cool pictures (and memories) that you will cherish later.

10. Explore careers
This is the ideal time to decide what you'd like to do after college. Talk to seniors, read about things that interest you and try your hand at different things. You will be better prepared to choose your career at the end of four years.

Most importantly, enjoy! :)

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Hello and welcome to my blog

Hello everyone!
This is my first blog post. I don't know exactly what I' going to blog about but I have had so many instances when I've wished I had a blog but till now I've never got around to actually creating one.So, now that I have finally created one I hope to write often.
See you soon!