Friday 30 January 2015

Emma as Belle... dreams do come true!

Emma Watson has been chosen to play the role of Belle in Disney's live-action movie Beauty and the Beast. I'm sure you would have heard about it already; but thought I'd make it clear anyway. I was beyond thrilled when I heard about it. Emma, Belle and Disney in the same sentence... what could be more exciting than that?!
I actually got onto the Harry Potter bandwagon pretty late. By the time I started to obsess over Harry Potter, four books and the first movie had been released. I have to write another post wholly dedicated to my introduction to the world of Harry Potter and my obsession with it. After reading The Philosopher's Stone, I had become a complete fan of Hermione. Just after I finished reading it, I watched the movie and Emma looked every bit of what I had imagined Hermione to be. I instantly wanted to be the girl that played Hermione! I was obsessed about Emma Watson during that phase. I think I read every bit of information about her that was available on the internet. As much as I admired her, I had this crazy desire to BE her! I've had innumerable conversations with her in my mind... not just as a fan; but also a friend! I've gotten over my desire to BE her... but  to this day, I admire her immensely and have great respect for her. I think she is the prettiest actress and love the fact that she has always maintained her dignity. Also the fact that she pursued her education and became a graduate at Brown is truly commendable. 
Belle and Rapunzel are my favorite Disney princesses. I love Belle for her simplicity, love for books, independence and her ability to look beyond a person's looks. Her style is simple but her elegance adds beauty to her. Her ability to think independently and break stereotypes makes her character admirable. I think Emma personifies these very characteristics. She would be the best person to step into Belle's shoes. I think Taylor Lautner would fit the role of the Beast. I can imagine him with a mane and fangs. Who do you think would be ideal to play the Beast? Comment below!

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